
Showing posts from May, 2012

This is Ours

:) Home sweet home. -Life Goal #96- Own A Place [ DONE ]

Hi Genki!

This may seem like we're upset and worried about the food we're about to eat, but it's not. Just some pic profile samples for our - togetherness twitter account @szebra_tweets He's been wanting to bring me here for months! - A little restaurant inside a place that's known as a seniors citizens assisted living home. I was amazed at how many people were there, of different age groups. Our servers were friendly and one lady was just so adorable! I would go back again. :)

Look They Made Me A Sign! - Koji

LOOK MASTER! I play here so much, they made a sign for me, of me! Hurry! Take a Picture! :)

Problem in my Neighborhood

It seems as though there is a thief in the neighborhood of where I live. Someone is breaking the windows of cars parked along the side of the road and taking things. Or they could just be breaking the glass for fun, which is so inconsiderate and destructive. This is something to be fixed cause I found myself trying to chase away crows the other day who were pecking around the glass areas. I just didn't want them eating up shards of glass.  :(

Lets Walk Together

Koji is pretty fun to walk with. With dog owners calling him Lassie and other dogs in the neighborhood that want to be his friend too! But he doesn't like some of them too much. Only the ones that are rude and just run up to his face. Koji has to learn to be a little more friendly and smile more! But boy does he sure like his walks. But he doesn't like to stray from home too long or be away from "master" for too long either.

Science World - Lego FUN

I can't really re-call when the last time I went to Science World, it was probably when my cousin was here to visit. But LEGO was one big thing that I had to go see when they were in town. I kind of wanted to do the Adult event that was at night- but it never happened. This was the same day that the Lego store was opening up at Oakridge mall - we did go to check it out, but the lines were just too long. It was pretty cool though how they got a bunch of kids to participate to build a giant R2D2. Too bad me and B- found it to look like child labor masked as building lego fun.

Treats in the Car
