No Porridge No Rice

No Porridge, No Rice - when said in Cantonese - "Mao Jook, Mao Faan"  
sounds like "No Joke, No Fun" in English.

Illustrations and Designs that embrace Asian Chinese culture
with the embodiment of Canadian Western culture. 
While looking for a name for my project I asked my father to help me come up with a name. I asked if were any words In Chinese that he felt that was beautiful or sounded great in the English language as well. At first he could not think of anything at the top of his head but soon he messaged me
- "No joke no fun. 冇粥冇飯".

I didn't want to name the project - No Joke, No Fun - but "No Porridge. No Rice."
the direct translation of 冇粥冇飯 sparked an immediate liking.
There would not be one without the other and
Canada would not be Canada without its many grains of rice.


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