So a month before we headed out to our yearly summer trip. After hearing B~ didn't have the WHOO HA of a Bachelor party. I thought I would put plan something that would tie in his groomsmen, and something to also celebrate the 5 year anniversary of our 1st date. All to fall on our weekend get away. I rounded up the friends going on the trip, giving them the heads up of what I'm planning and bought all the gear and planned and spent my time wisely on what I could DIY. I also had to google "How to be a secret agent" - which was funny and interesting at the same time. Why "Secret Agent Training" ? - Well, B~ constantly has dreams [ sleeping dreams ] of being a secret agent and always going off on random missions and adventures. So I thought why not bring that excitement to life and put his secret agent skills to the test. Here were some set up and run through of how the games went. It would all start off with our friend Tom dropping off a package to B~ th...