Weekends On Ends
I haven't been blogging every day when the weekend comes because, I'm living a life!
Getting out there and spending time with family and friends and loved ones. Here's a recap. Friday after work, Darren unexpectedly texts me that he's off early from work and wanted to pick me up. ( I went into panic mode ) why did I go into panic mode? I HAVE NO CLUE! This guy maybe the sweetest little thing ... EVER~! My heart starts to skip a beat and I start to feel anxiety. OMG ... am I falling for this guy?! already?! @_@ *heart pounding* I calm myself down. Why am I getting my panties all in a bunch?! He's just coming to pick me up. I worked on and then when it came time to leave, he even waited for me as I had to work a bit over time. When I got to the car I was expecting an angry Darren, only to have him greet me with a big hug! On the way home he says he got me a birthday present as he giggles and passes me a scratch and win. Just the other night he said that he thinks I'm addicted to them, I said.. no I'm addicted to scratching. LOL.
Friday night. - Introduced Darren to Parents, went to TnT Coquitlam - Got groceries, I Made him Indo Mei and he made edamame ( which he calls ediname ) and eggs, and he bought BBQ pork, Movie, Without a paddle. Orange slices for desert. Got him to try the crab chips. Later on that night we sat back and watched Without A Paddle, one of my favorite funny movies.
Saturday. woke up went to the mall in Coquitlam and I tried on dresses at H&M. For the night's fancy dinner at Shiang Garden's for Ethan's One Month Party.
Getting out there and spending time with family and friends and loved ones. Here's a recap. Friday after work, Darren unexpectedly texts me that he's off early from work and wanted to pick me up. ( I went into panic mode ) why did I go into panic mode? I HAVE NO CLUE! This guy maybe the sweetest little thing ... EVER~! My heart starts to skip a beat and I start to feel anxiety. OMG ... am I falling for this guy?! already?! @_@ *heart pounding* I calm myself down. Why am I getting my panties all in a bunch?! He's just coming to pick me up. I worked on and then when it came time to leave, he even waited for me as I had to work a bit over time. When I got to the car I was expecting an angry Darren, only to have him greet me with a big hug! On the way home he says he got me a birthday present as he giggles and passes me a scratch and win. Just the other night he said that he thinks I'm addicted to them, I said.. no I'm addicted to scratching. LOL.
Friday night. - Introduced Darren to Parents, went to TnT Coquitlam - Got groceries, I Made him Indo Mei and he made edamame ( which he calls ediname ) and eggs, and he bought BBQ pork, Movie, Without a paddle. Orange slices for desert. Got him to try the crab chips. Later on that night we sat back and watched Without A Paddle, one of my favorite funny movies.
Saturday. woke up went to the mall in Coquitlam and I tried on dresses at H&M. For the night's fancy dinner at Shiang Garden's for Ethan's One Month Party.
We later on made a trip down to Surrey, where we went to a sandwich shop. Salam poked fun at me for a second. Wondering if this guy that I brought along with me was my boyfriend. I say no, just someone I'm seeing. He then goes to call Darren a side dish. But we all laughed about it. When we left we went in search for as shop where we got some water from a convenient store and sat in the car and Darren ate the whole sandwich ( I made a bet he couldn't and now I have to cook him dinner ) as I only ate half. We later on went to his ATV store. I sat on a couple of ATV's and Trikes which there was one that was really cool! He gets what he needs from there and drops me home. I put up my new curtains that I had gotten Wednesday night and I fall asleep on the bed. I soon get ready for baby Ethan's one month party. Got headache, karaoke bad idea at baby party.
Sunday morning. got ready to head out to Steveston. Met two of Darren's friends. Steve & Connie. Sweet couple. Though I must admit that I was a bit shy to strike up any kind of conversation. I just didn't have any questions to ask. We walked around the pier since their store wasn't opened. we walked about the pier and it was nice and the sun seemed to be peeking out from beyond the clouds now and then.
We hit up Walmart, getting the necessaries that are needed. We joined Darren's friends for dinner at their house. I brought Darren over to my sisters house.
I just finished a painting and filming it as well.
Later On Today, Meeting.
Sunday morning. got ready to head out to Steveston. Met two of Darren's friends. Steve & Connie. Sweet couple. Though I must admit that I was a bit shy to strike up any kind of conversation. I just didn't have any questions to ask. We walked around the pier since their store wasn't opened. we walked about the pier and it was nice and the sun seemed to be peeking out from beyond the clouds now and then.
I just finished a painting and filming it as well.
Later On Today, Meeting.