I Am A Multi-Millionaire

Okay I've been acting and believing and feeling like a million bucks...and then some. I've been feeling this for a couple of weeks now. Here is my list of what I would do if I were a multi-millionare. ( This list depends on how much I would have as a multi-millionaire.

  1. Put on an artshow where the paintings sold go to charity.
  2. Donate to Charity - Help get Vancouver homeless off the streets
  3. Fund Cancer Research
  4. Donate to Hospitals
  5. Donate To / Buy / Build A Community Centre / Hockey Arena
  6. Give Money To My Family. Parents. Siblings
  7. Help pay off any debts the family has.
  8. Visit family all around the world
  9. Visit Brunei
  10. Rebuild Grandpa's House
  11. Travel Europe
  12. Pay for my sister's wedding
  13. Put money away for baby Ethan
  14. Pay off my bills
  15. Laser eye surgery?
  16. Dental surgery
  17. More Driving Lessons
  18. Get a White Mini Cooper
  19. Buy a studio apartment / loft
  20. Buy a condo for Alex - Rent to own
  21. Build Dream House
  22. Call up a handful of friends, to go vacation all expenses covered.
  23. Travel to Japan
  24. Private Cooking Classes
  25. Renovate Current house to sell or for parents
  26. Get a laywer and accountant for all the art stuff.
  27. Get a truck load of art supplies
  28. Travel to China
  29. Film my adventures and vlog them
  30. Throw my own huge birthday bash with secret prize give aways
  31. Build a music studio for Sundeep
  32. Build a photography studio for Vic
  33. Put / organize a concert show for Mali & Shalini
  34. Go to Disney Land & Disney World... visit Aunty Alice
  35. Invest
  36. Get a decked out computer systems & game consoles.
  37. Establish an art scholarship program.
  38. Buy equipment and software and re-invest in the company I work for as a gift before I quit.
  39. Create a foundation to help those in need get back on their feet.
  40. Donate Funds to the Greater Vancouver Zoo
  41. Pay my God-Brother enough money for a year so he can pursue his dreams
  42. Re-invest in my clothing line
  43. Throw an art show with and dedicated to my art teachers
  44. Pay for my brother's wedding, if he marries Susy.
  45. Build / Own a club an call it "Canuck Central" ... like how Calgary has Flames Central... That's right.
  46. Create a stock photography site, hire my photography friends as primary photographers to start and build the site.
  47. Shopping... lots of shopping
  48. Re-invest in the places and people that invested in me.
  49. Bring Lo Noodle House to Canada

I should always think... I am a multi-millionaire.


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