Morning Pages XXX

Morning Pages XXX
Im just kidding it's not my thirtieth post, maybe it is. I lost count. My mind is just about blank this morning. Woke up early, meditated before taking a shower. We have nothing good in the house. My groceries have been eaten by my parents. They seem to not care about stacking the fridge anymore. I don't think they ever even thought they ever stacked the fridge. Thank god I keep food at the office. I'm craving fruits. I started working our again slowly. I'll be honest, I've been keeping my weight without really doing anything. Wow, right- no I watch what it is I'm eating.

I'm getting more irritated by those who don't move into the sky train from the doors. I understand that you want to be by the door when it's your stop. But the truth is, you can make your way there when the time comes. Easy in- easy out? Lol that's a pretty fucked up way of life. Remember - sometimes the things we do to make ourselves comfortable, brings unfortunate circumstance for others. Be aware of what it is you're doing. Others will be aware as well and eventually your actions change the world. We are by nature selfish - I know this but comfort for me is when my conscience is calm. I'm easy to regret forgetting little things like saying thank you to the bus driver. Is that weird? I say thank you for anything that anyone does for me. This habit wasn't taught to me. I just follow my heart a lot. I'm aware what I say or do changes lives. For the better or worse. I always hope it's for the better.

I miss some people today. From the past. Friends that don't seem so much like my friends anymore. Like something I lost in a divorce. Lol - bad analogy - like a dog you loved, but you gave up cause the other person wants them more. The thing is... I don't think the dogs miss me. They are happy where they are. Thats all that matters.

This winter should be fun. I can't wait to go snowboarding! I can't wait till I hit up the studio to record my first song and have a polished personal song. I can't wait to move downstairs. I can't wait till I make my own space. I can't wait to set up the studio. I can't wait till the art show coming up. I can't wait till I start to paint again. I can't wait to dive further into photography. I can't wait to promote the ones that should be doing what they want to do - trying to reach their goal. I can't wait till I go on a much needed vacation. I can't wait till I get abs. I can't wait to catch up with some old friends again. I can't wait till the day my nephew learns to walk. I can't wait till 7-8 months from now. To see what it is I've done. It's time to hustle now. I'm the spark that started the fire. I will fuel it.


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