I Will Punch You In The Face
I Will Punch You In The Face
If you speak stupid random things at me. I don't think I can tolerate the things that certain people say. Don't disrespect the music I'm listening to - do not discount Kanye Wests' artistic skills and visionary as any other - garbage song. Ugh - it made me mad when he said - " is that what goes for music now a days?" what are you? 100? - he said he was kidding but like some - some remarks aren't funny.
If you speak stupid random things at me. I don't think I can tolerate the things that certain people say. Don't disrespect the music I'm listening to - do not discount Kanye Wests' artistic skills and visionary as any other - garbage song. Ugh - it made me mad when he said - " is that what goes for music now a days?" what are you? 100? - he said he was kidding but like some - some remarks aren't funny.
And don't compare yourself to me- someone said they believed they were o ahead of the game. - I hate to burst your bubble but I've only been playing 10% of my full potential. As I recovered from one of the most life changing years of my life.