Happy Boxing Days
Well let me sum up the last two days for you, On Friday, the boyfriend came to pick me up around late afternoon. He let me drive to Richmond and back to Vancouver. The store he wanted to go visit was closed. See, I've learned over the years to control my emotions - A cool cat in situations. It's not that I don't care, it's I don't see why I should waste energy through certain ways. One fills their life with drama because they may love the scattered emotional highs of different situations. Me, I learned scattered energy is not always the best thing. Focus on what you need to do and want to do the things you need to do. Don't focus on their problem, focus on yours. Be happy for others and wish them happiness. If you want the best for others, the best will be bestowed onto you. Smile at others and let them go on their merry way. Don't focus your mind on useless things.
Christmas present I got from the boyfriend was - Despicable Me Movie and Davidoff - Cool Water Perfume. Both things I wanted :) Nice. Not much but see me and the bf had celebrated 6 months not too long ago. We went to go eat at The Boat House, So Good!

The best food I've probably eaten ever. My Gift to Ry was a Poster of his car, on poster board and some copies on vinyl. His Christmas gift was a watch winder for his baller watch and 2 dragonball animated movie sets. I got a ps3 for anniversary and little big planet, some movies and games. Since the anniversary and Christmas is in the same month most of our things are all jumbled together. I didn't mind.
Christmas eve dinner was pretty awesome - His mom put together a plate for us and it was nice and something I didn't really expect. The knocking on his bedroom door and this plate of delicious food couldn't be turned away. Probably the highlight of this holiday was that. I guess I'm like a guy - if food is the way to my heart.

Christmas morning I woke up - we ate what was left over from the feast from last night - which I didn't mind. But since Ry had to work that night - I went to spend Christmas with my sister. However - her family fell sick with the stomach flu - I slept over - and then the next day I went home and found I caught the flu and had been fighting off for most of earlier this week.
I don't know what it is really. Perhaps the fact that I spent most of this holiday sick. really feels no different than last holiday. No - I feel a little bit more lonely this holiday. See - I had a date on new years eve last year - and I did spend last year with the family. But things just aren't the same. Maybe I'm just not used to it just yet. Even now when I'm with someone - sucks when on the holidays I get that feeling that - I'm not. I understand they are working. They have bills to pay. I'm just not used to it. I had hoped that this year's holidays from Halloween to ending of 2010 and starting of the new year would be awesome. But it hasn't been. I still feel I'm learning more to be independent. Like signs from God.
I wake up a bit upset this afternoon ( since I didn't wake up till 2-3pm. ( my schedules been thrown off wack since I got sick and parents got sick and all that ) I had a random dream with him in it. I had not dreamt of Trev in a long time. I guess I had thought my mentality had been kind to me - till now. Well he wasn't a big part of my dream. I saw him there, but it was in a car. I was on a motorcycle heading over to see Chris and John. I wake up and remember and the thought - almost all the places we once shared are now gone. God took them for a reason. No turning back.
2011 is to start soon. It's going to be heavy. More work, longer hours, more pay. More paintings too. I've been working on getting my website back up. It's been kind of stressing me out. It's late. Tomorrow is new years eve. I am feeling a bit sad. and I'm going to watch some movies now. G'nite.
Christmas present I got from the boyfriend was - Despicable Me Movie and Davidoff - Cool Water Perfume. Both things I wanted :) Nice. Not much but see me and the bf had celebrated 6 months not too long ago. We went to go eat at The Boat House, So Good!

The best food I've probably eaten ever. My Gift to Ry was a Poster of his car, on poster board and some copies on vinyl. His Christmas gift was a watch winder for his baller watch and 2 dragonball animated movie sets. I got a ps3 for anniversary and little big planet, some movies and games. Since the anniversary and Christmas is in the same month most of our things are all jumbled together. I didn't mind.
Christmas eve dinner was pretty awesome - His mom put together a plate for us and it was nice and something I didn't really expect. The knocking on his bedroom door and this plate of delicious food couldn't be turned away. Probably the highlight of this holiday was that. I guess I'm like a guy - if food is the way to my heart.
Christmas morning I woke up - we ate what was left over from the feast from last night - which I didn't mind. But since Ry had to work that night - I went to spend Christmas with my sister. However - her family fell sick with the stomach flu - I slept over - and then the next day I went home and found I caught the flu and had been fighting off for most of earlier this week.
I don't know what it is really. Perhaps the fact that I spent most of this holiday sick. really feels no different than last holiday. No - I feel a little bit more lonely this holiday. See - I had a date on new years eve last year - and I did spend last year with the family. But things just aren't the same. Maybe I'm just not used to it just yet. Even now when I'm with someone - sucks when on the holidays I get that feeling that - I'm not. I understand they are working. They have bills to pay. I'm just not used to it. I had hoped that this year's holidays from Halloween to ending of 2010 and starting of the new year would be awesome. But it hasn't been. I still feel I'm learning more to be independent. Like signs from God.
I wake up a bit upset this afternoon ( since I didn't wake up till 2-3pm. ( my schedules been thrown off wack since I got sick and parents got sick and all that ) I had a random dream with him in it. I had not dreamt of Trev in a long time. I guess I had thought my mentality had been kind to me - till now. Well he wasn't a big part of my dream. I saw him there, but it was in a car. I was on a motorcycle heading over to see Chris and John. I wake up and remember and the thought - almost all the places we once shared are now gone. God took them for a reason. No turning back.
2011 is to start soon. It's going to be heavy. More work, longer hours, more pay. More paintings too. I've been working on getting my website back up. It's been kind of stressing me out. It's late. Tomorrow is new years eve. I am feeling a bit sad. and I'm going to watch some movies now. G'nite.