Even though B- works a few blocks away. He still thinks taking me out to lunch sometimes would be nice, since we do work so closely together. Today on Halloween we went to Ebisu on Robson to eat.
At work: a co-worker dressed up like a jellyfish and I had said if she did I would hunt down a shell and come has a turtle. And there we are ... being silly.
#art #sakura #ink #blackandwhite #pencilcrayon This design is available on inkbox: https://inkbox.com/products/falling-blossoms View this post on Instagram A post shared by S.Y. Lo (@syloarts)
Yeah that basically summed up my Go-Karting adventure 2. And that's my life goal met. I'm up late because I just spent time working, trying my best to fix what ever was left that was wrong with the site I'm currently about to launch at the company I work at. I was out a but late - after meeting with friends and going Go Karting and then to dinner. At the Go Karting place - we were watching the safety video - only to see another old school friend on it. Apparently he used to work there. I was laughing >_<. I should have recorded the video. - I obviously came in last. Got stuck during a lap. Just ended up enjoying being last drifting around the corners. :P My hands hurt after and arms hurt. My arms were pretty short for the steering wheel and legs were too short for the pedals - that the guy who worked there had to adjust the pedals for me. Before that I was shopping for some T-shirts to make for the upcoming trip. and before that - work - was tedious trying to up...