B- treats me in the morning to some High Tea. I've never been to one of these before. I don't think he has either but it was nice. We sat and talked about political matters and how I confessed that I just don't understand some. How Occupy Vancouver was costing more problems then it was solving. All in all my time with B- is always enjoyable.

I don't think I could get bored of what he says, thinks, and sometimes his actions are unpredictable. Sometimes predictable because of the fact of personality. Babes had a good heart. Later after our awesome meal I decided to go to Tiffany's and get myself a necklace. I was thinking of getting a white gold one, but seeing how thin and small that chain was I went with a sterling silver long ball chain necklace since I've lost my other chain.
In the evening it was one of B-'s friends birthday dinner's at the Teahouse in Stanley Park. I ordered a lamb chop which was well cooked and delicious. However I can't say all the meals were great.