We wake up early to get ready and head out on our trip, packing the night before. Which was golf night. With Koji, we dropped him off at Mama`s and made our way to the airport with B`s big brother dropping us off. Playing with Koji in the park before leaving. We moved everything so quickly that a quarter of the way to the airport I realized I had left my hat and sunglasses in the car back at Mama`s. During the duration of my trip however I didn`t get a new hat or sunglasses. However I did go about searching for new ones. My first cute discovery was at the YVR after checking in. I find this - it's cute but it's summer. So there is no point.
We clear security and make our way to get a bite to eat before getting on our plane, as B's grabbing a bit, I see two little stuffies that just made me think of B- and me. Get it? ... hmm maybe not.
We're off and there is nothing like being more than 25000 feet in the air. I've discovered that the cookies that West Jet gives out on the flights are really good. B- says they are just cookies. I disagree, they are REALLY GOOD cookies - perhaps I should have taking a photo of the packaging. We got off the plane and grabbed our luggage's and after asking for information about getting to our hotel, we took a shuttle that brought us to our hotel faster than we could have thought. When arriving at our Hotel, Hilton - we came to realize there was a convention going on, where the guests were staying at the hotel as well, making the registration line close to a half hour wait. At first I didn't even want to believe that the registration line was the Check-In line. but it was and it was pretty long.
In the lobby of our hotel was a big booth image of cars and all the crew, I couldn't help myself and had to take a pic :)
Along the way to Downtown Disney we stopped by Tiffy's Restaurant and grabbed a bite to eat.
We go into the Disney Store and I'm craving to buy a hat! >_< but I get that slump feeling and wonder if I'm too old to like these things. But you be the judge, my favorite top three are in order and the others are just me goofing about. I love these hats thoughand was so going to get one and thought perhaps I can get one later on online! Bravo to Disney.
We wonder in a store that I would have to say is more my style. Art and mix of neat crafty cute stuff. Wonderground, you were perhaps my favorite store at Disneyland next to Vinylmation. I still wish you had an online store.
We think about what kind of souvenirs we will get people in here. And what kind of prints we want bring home for ourselves. One particular print BJ saw and just wanted to get it so we could take a picture just like it of our own variation and place it up next to it.
Night has fallen now on our day one adventure of landing in Disneyland. Were heading home and before leaving Downtown Disney, we see the Rainforest Cafe. Is that a real fire ambiance lighting? this will be the one regret, of not going to eat there one of our nights for dinner.
The lights are pretty as we head back to our hotel but the downfall of the night would be our own mistakes of wearing non-walking shoes on the very first day of vacation.
Our feet are already hurting and the next two days will be no piece of cake. We take a seat before he hit our Hotel. Rest for the next day :)