Making Music History
When it comes to make dreams come true, there are certain things you should always guarantee to expect. Long hours, hard work and the unexpected. But specifically for this shoot, I was there to assist where possible, in sketching the storyboard of the shoots, helping with the directing of people where needed, the placement of items for events, lighting, set building and decorating. Also handling mishaps behind the scene stuff that would unexpectedly happen that no one else would want to deal with. For example: Moping up the hallway and washroom because the toilet started to overflow - during the video shoot. It's ok! cause I'm used to it! It's why I'm there... to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. I actually don't mind these kind of jobs because supporting roles are the most important ones.
I'm very proud of both my friends Shalini - for her beautiful music and accomplishing this goal in her life. And Vik, the director and editor - for putting together this vision. We all know that shooting and editing is not the easiest thing in the world.
The world will always need it's storytellers, singers and artisans. It's not only making music history, it's like making magic.