My First Vegas Trip!
From Jan 2-5 I was in Vegas. So much stuff happened. I can't write it all out but I can do a summary and the following things are what happened.
Day 1 ~
Our flight was delayed 7 hours.
We went for Pho in Richmond.
In Richmond we waited to meet up with friends to head to the States.
We almost missed our flight waiting at the border for 80 mins to get to the airport.
We almost missed our flight running to catch a plane at a pizza oven factory.
We were saved by a shuttle bus driver who took us to the actual airport terminal.
A friend throws his phone into his shoe as it goes through security scan. The security guys said he failed. No tech devices in your shoes!
We boarded our flight.
We sat on the plan for another hour before taking off for bag loading and Re-fueling.
Delaying us a total of 8 hours.
We took off and it was shaky. My friend scared me thinking we were going to die because apparently it was the smallest plane he has ever been in and he kept asking questions like: how old is this plane?!

We landed smoothly in Vegas.
Took a shuttle to pick up a rental car.
Picked up our car at Budget rent a car.

We drove to our hotel. We could not get lost as the beam of light could always guide us to our hotel.

We went to Planet Hollywood to eat at Earl of Sandwich.

We then went to Walgreens to buy our personal care products and bottles of water.
We dropped off our items at the car and went to walk around the casinos and perhaps do some shopping to find out that the mall sections closed at 11pm.

We returned to our hotel to wash up and rest for the night.
Day 2 ~
The next morning: We wake up to a view of the castle next door

Three of us picked up our M-life cards.
- We were told there would be 5$ credits on our cards. There was not.
We went to eat breakfast at Paris Buffet.
- We waited a long time, in a long line up. Under a fake sky.
- For a restaurant called Paris, they had the worst pastries that didn't even make the macaroon right.
- For a large restaurant, you would think they would have more than one stall in the women's washroom.
- The girls shoved the complimentary 2 bottles of wine into our purses to take back with us to our hotel room.

We went to the outlet to go shopping. I got harassed by a sales man. I could not pretend I couldn't speak English cause the middle eastern man seemed to know how to speak both English and Mandarin. The bottles were too big for me to buy and take home. I walked away with a free long strip sample of cream.
We went to McDonalds to chill and relax when we realized we had tickets to pick up for Ka.
We rushed to MGM building to the ticket booth for our tickets.
We went to Mandalay Bay to pick up tickets for the aquarium and the buffet. Only to be told that the Aquarium was closed to a special private event. We redeemed our buffet vouchers as well. One of my friends was told that the buffet ticket was only for use during Monday to Thursday and she could not redeem it, however the lady that serviced me gave me my buffet voucher.
We gambled a bit.
We went to go eat at the Mandalay Buffet. - Our vouchers worked.

We then dropped of Derek at Caesars for him to go shopping.
We ended up doing a U turn on a freeway.
Somehow We ended up on a freeway again heading towards L.A.
We rushed to MGM to make it in time for Ka.

- There was a long line up for Ka, where at the end of the line I said I was going to the washroom.
- When I came back out of the washroom my friends inline were in-front of the washroom ( the line moved fast)
I watched my first Cirque Du Soleil show! I thought it was magical.
- I loved the storyline. ( which some of my friends couldn't follow )
- I loved the music.
- I loved the hard work everyone put into making it happen.

After the show we went to go meet up with Derek.
- We pulled into Bellagio self park and called Derek to find him no longer there.
- First we tried pulling into Crystal at Aria to pick Derek up to find it blocked off.
- We parked at Aria Self Park.
- Derek could not find the self park.
- Boyfriend went to go look for Derek, boyfriend got lost.
- Boyfriend was found by Derek.
- Everyone was safe and together again.
Went back to our hotel to sleep.
Day 3 ~
Woke up and washed up. We would generally wait by the spa for all members to come down from the hotel room. There is Wi-Fi here. Look at JenJen's cute smile here.

Went to Aria Buffet.

Picked up Bellagio tickets for "0"

In Bellagio we found that there was a fantastic Christmas display still up.
- One our friends played with a stream of water wanting to see if it was a high pressured stream of water or a plastic tube. It was a real stream of water, when he touched it water sprayed a bit everywhere and some of it hit a lady in the eye.

We went shopping at another Outlet. - I got a Coach Wristlet for 23$
Returned to Mandalay Bay to visit the Shark Reef.

- We petted Sting Rays.

- We sat in an under water glass tube and watched sharks swimming above us.

We went to the Cosmopolitan to eat a Dinner at Wicked Spoon.

After dinner we went to watched the Bellagio Water Fountain Show. Center, right in the front.

We headed to Caesars - Shopping mall.

- Friends went shopping.
- Boyfriend felt sick.
- I got stuck in a 10-15 mins line up for a washroom. Who has 3 stalls for large section of a mall?!
We went to go watch "O"
Returned to Hotel.
Searched for the 77777 Jackpot slot game ( think it was in MGM we gambled )
Went to Sleep
Day 4 ~
Packed our bags to get ready to head home.
Parked at MGM to make our way to the strip.
Ate Subway for breakfast at a food court.
Visited the M & M Store.
Visited the Coca Cola Store. Saw the CocaCola bear who I wanted to take a pic with but wasn't willing to pay a lot of money to do.

Went back to our hotel to check out.
- I wanted to go down this certain hallway because I had a feeling it was a shortcut. I took it and it worked.
- Got our bags.
- Checked out.

Went to return the rental car.
Hopped on a shuttle to the airport.
Went through security.
- All but one of us was held behind and searched because the name on his flight ticket didn't match his ID.
Boarded the flight.
Landed roughly in Bellingham.
- The same shuttle bus driver picked us up and dropped is off at our car.
Went to Costco
Stopped at Home Depot
- One of our friends ordered light bulbs.
Went to Trader Joes

- It was one of my friends first experience to Trader Joes!
- Everyone bought something.
Got through the boarder in 10 mins and was back on Canadian soil.
Went to Richmond picked up our car.
Went to Boyfriend's Mama's house to pick up the dog.
Got Home.
Day 1 ~
Our flight was delayed 7 hours.
We went for Pho in Richmond.
In Richmond we waited to meet up with friends to head to the States.
We almost missed our flight waiting at the border for 80 mins to get to the airport.
We almost missed our flight running to catch a plane at a pizza oven factory.
We were saved by a shuttle bus driver who took us to the actual airport terminal.
A friend throws his phone into his shoe as it goes through security scan. The security guys said he failed. No tech devices in your shoes!
We boarded our flight.
We sat on the plan for another hour before taking off for bag loading and Re-fueling.
We took off and it was shaky. My friend scared me thinking we were going to die because apparently it was the smallest plane he has ever been in and he kept asking questions like: how old is this plane?!
Took a shuttle to pick up a rental car.
Picked up our car at Budget rent a car.
Boyfriend was directed to a desk that was not a check in desk. He was then called cheap at the promotion desk by the sales lady that tried to sell us tickets to shows.
We checked in our hotel and dropped off our bags and went to go eat.We went to Planet Hollywood to eat at Earl of Sandwich.
We dropped off our items at the car and went to walk around the casinos and perhaps do some shopping to find out that the mall sections closed at 11pm.
Day 2 ~
The next morning: We wake up to a view of the castle next door
- We were told there would be 5$ credits on our cards. There was not.
We went to eat breakfast at Paris Buffet.
- For a restaurant called Paris, they had the worst pastries that didn't even make the macaroon right.
- For a large restaurant, you would think they would have more than one stall in the women's washroom.
- The girls shoved the complimentary 2 bottles of wine into our purses to take back with us to our hotel room.
We went to McDonalds to chill and relax when we realized we had tickets to pick up for Ka.
We rushed to MGM building to the ticket booth for our tickets.
We went to Mandalay Bay to pick up tickets for the aquarium and the buffet. Only to be told that the Aquarium was closed to a special private event. We redeemed our buffet vouchers as well. One of my friends was told that the buffet ticket was only for use during Monday to Thursday and she could not redeem it, however the lady that serviced me gave me my buffet voucher.
We gambled a bit.
We went to go eat at the Mandalay Buffet. - Our vouchers worked.
We ended up doing a U turn on a freeway.
Somehow We ended up on a freeway again heading towards L.A.
We rushed to MGM to make it in time for Ka.
- When I came back out of the washroom my friends inline were in-front of the washroom ( the line moved fast)
I watched my first Cirque Du Soleil show! I thought it was magical.
- I loved the storyline. ( which some of my friends couldn't follow )
- I loved the music.
- I loved the hard work everyone put into making it happen.
- We pulled into Bellagio self park and called Derek to find him no longer there.
- First we tried pulling into Crystal at Aria to pick Derek up to find it blocked off.
- We parked at Aria Self Park.
- Derek could not find the self park.
- Boyfriend went to go look for Derek, boyfriend got lost.
- Boyfriend was found by Derek.
- Everyone was safe and together again.
Went back to our hotel to sleep.
Day 3 ~
Woke up and washed up. We would generally wait by the spa for all members to come down from the hotel room. There is Wi-Fi here. Look at JenJen's cute smile here.
- One our friends played with a stream of water wanting to see if it was a high pressured stream of water or a plastic tube. It was a real stream of water, when he touched it water sprayed a bit everywhere and some of it hit a lady in the eye.
Returned to Mandalay Bay to visit the Shark Reef.
- Boyfriend felt sick.
- I got stuck in a 10-15 mins line up for a washroom. Who has 3 stalls for large section of a mall?!
We went to go watch "O"
Returned to Hotel.
Searched for the 77777 Jackpot slot game ( think it was in MGM we gambled )
Went to Sleep
Day 4 ~
Packed our bags to get ready to head home.
Parked at MGM to make our way to the strip.
Ate Subway for breakfast at a food court.
Visited the M & M Store.
Visited the Coca Cola Store. Saw the CocaCola bear who I wanted to take a pic with but wasn't willing to pay a lot of money to do.
- I wanted to go down this certain hallway because I had a feeling it was a shortcut. I took it and it worked.
- Got our bags.
- Checked out.
Hopped on a shuttle to the airport.
Went through security.
- All but one of us was held behind and searched because the name on his flight ticket didn't match his ID.
Boarded the flight.
Landed roughly in Bellingham.
- The same shuttle bus driver picked us up and dropped is off at our car.
Went to Costco
Stopped at Home Depot
- One of our friends ordered light bulbs.
Went to Trader Joes
- Everyone bought something.
Got through the boarder in 10 mins and was back on Canadian soil.
Went to Richmond picked up our car.
Went to Boyfriend's Mama's house to pick up the dog.
Got Home.