On Our Return From Okanagan

Okanagan Trip
I really don't know how to start this blog post. 

We left Friday morning heading out riding with Tom. At first we went to McDonalds by our home to have breakfast as we waited upon a few other friends to wake up, get off work, or start heading off this trip.

We stopped half way somewhere along the way to have a sundae at Dairy Queen.  I don't remember the town we stopped in.

For some strange reason, every time B- and I sit in Tom's car to go to the Okanagan. Something goes wrong with his car. Last time it was his tire blowing on the freeway, now its some kind of engine problem. The last leg of our trip, we safely. But when we got to the cabin, Honda was called to come take a look at the car and it was sent to their shop. 

We got the cabin alright and had a moment of... "look for the keys" in the garage of the place we would be staying in for a bit. Here is the view from the front of the house, and the back of the house. Every place house / location we visited from here on out during the trip convinced a lot of us that every location has a beautiful view. 

Okanagan TripOkanagan Trip

I don't believe we did much on Friday, we waited slowly for the other teams to arrive.
We drank, had fun, played games.

The next day was more adventurous as we went go-karting. There were a lot of us so we split into girls and guys. Here's a footage of the guys driving by. I wanted the Barbie car at first (cause it was pink!), but was told that it was slow. I later took number 13 ( which is the same car B- later takes ) and it was fast. I just remember trying my best not to crash into Winnie as she drove carefully a head of me. 

Okanagan TripOkanagan Trip

We hit up Red Rooster, and look inside you can buy a stuffy of a rooster! so clever!
Okanagan TripOkanagan TripOkanagan Trip
Red Ruby was good, but I realized I like the sweet wines. We later on make it to Munson lookout, we call down to the others to join the half of us that ran up to the top. Here we all enjoyed the view.Okanagan Trip
(photo credit below: Tom)Okanagan Trip
We all return back to the house, hung out before cooking dinner and having some great food some more fun times with friends. Our air mattress for some reason has become the gather and lounge item on our trips. Here there is a bunch of us gathered around scoping Tinder for one of our friends.
Okanagan TripOkanagan Trip
The next day we hit the beach, for a little speed boat fun, jet skiing as well. We later on went to One of Steven's friends homes and I spot the "when dreams may come" type of bush! so colourful! We went to go visit a black baby lab! So cute! I want one!
Okanagan TripOkanagan Trip
Before returning back to the house, Steven, B- Jenn and I hit up the supermarket for some groceries. As tonight is our last night here and tomorrow we are heading back our for home. There is an incident that happens at the supermarket where the life of a watermelon was lost due to mishandling. The one handling it truly learned his lesson. It was the most guilty face I've ever seen on him.
We return to the house, during sometime, I ventured with Churmy and Jenn around the property. There is a gorgeous pink rose bush at the entry of the property. Where to be honest made me want to just sit there and paint it. It was so beautiful.

Okanagan TripOkanagan Trip
I didn't take a picture of the Mulberry tree that a lot of us were seeing for the first time. There were apple trees on the property and giant dandelions. Where Jenn and Churmy so kindly held up to let me take a pic. I hope they made some big wishes on them.
Okanagan Trip
Okanagan TripOkanagan Trip
Okanagan TripOkanagan TripOkanagan Trip
The dogs of the trip! There's Bui and Oscar. I enjoy teasing them here and there but I hope I didn't bug them too much. The next morning the teams split up and some made their way home and some of us stuck together winery hoping.  Don't touch that bra B- that's hanging up at Dirty Laundry.Okanagan Trip
Okanagan TripOkanagan Trip Okanagan Trip
Okanagan Trip Okanagan Trip
There are more pink roses on our way. A puff ball purple flower caught the attention of the girls, and B- tells us that's the flower that blooms from garlic. SO PRETTY!
Okanagan TripOkanagan Trip Okanagan Trip
We hit up a restaurant called Gasthaus Pub and enjoy some food here. It's here I took the gif's of some friends. The cinemagrams.
Okanagan TripOkanagan TripOkanagan Trip
Okanagan TripOkanagan TripOkanagan Trip
Okanagan TripOkanagan Trip
I was so impressed with Jeanette's ability to eat! - It's one of the ways I know I can trust a girl to be honest... when they are big eatters :D Because I just can't trust the girls that never eat anything.

Cinemagram with friends at lunch

Okanagan Trip
Okanagan TripOkanagan Trip
Okanagan TripOkanagan Trip
Okanagan Trip
Okanagan TripOkanagan TripOkanagan Trip
The winery above is probably the one place I thought had the best ice wine. I wanted to buy a bottle but was not willing to dish out the money to buy it. But I loved the dogs! so friendly! Next we went to Mission Hill.
Okanagan TripOkanagan Trip Okanagan Trip
When I took the picture of the restaurant, me and Mel were slowly sneaking into a tour group and listening over the information that was being told to the visitors. We were called away soon after to take a group picture.
 Okanagan Trip
Okanagan TripOkanagan TripOkanagan Trip
I walk around the store and Jenn sneaks up to me and slips a giant "fake" diamond ring on my finger... LOL - thanks Jen... haha for that moment I felt so loved. The second time I felt so loved is when we went home and picked up Koji. Where he came and laid down in my lap.
Okanagan Trip


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