First time in whistler area, first time fishing
@ Joffre lake. Caught fish(es) :)

I have to admit I got addicted to fishing once I learned the hang of it. I was asked by the guys if I've fished before. The closes I got was Animal Crossing experience. When you do fish in real life... it feels not that different, except there's more work involved. The vibrations however that Nintendo's game mimics are almost dead on!,letting you know you have to reel and tug and reel in some more to catch your fish! I caught about 6 fish on my first time fishing! half of them released back because they were too small.
The dumb fish: Well, there was this one moment of the fishing trip where I felt so bad, cause I'd lost Will's hook and weight, he didn't have many to spare. I thought I had a biter, and when I pulled it in the line got caught and we had to cut the line. Near the end of our fishing adventure, I caught a fish, where there was another hook and weight attached to it. It was the weight I had lost earlier! I did get a fish earlier, but this time he didn't make the escape, I caught the fish, and got the hook and weight back. The guys said: you let it go once, it came back so we have to keep it. Plus it seemed to have taken a bit of damage having two hooks and all in it.
The image of the fish below is perhaps the 3rd fish I caught of the day, but the first to get photographed. One of them was small and had to be killed because he ate most of the hook and weight, the second fought it's way out of my hands and got away quickly before the photo. This one stayed still for the photo and released soon after because we felt it was too small to eat. I'm super happy here as well, it's my first time fishing and I'm catching fish!

It was really a beautiful day / Weekend, I should say. We arrived at the cabin yesterday night, as we passenger-ed with Will and his girlfriend Sally.
We had dinner with them in Coquitlam at Nagano before leaving to Whistler. The restaurant's sushi wasn't bad, but service is difficult when you're in a private room behind a curtain, how do the waitresses know you need anything if they don't come check up on you, and you don't have a buzzer.
We arrived at night at the cabin and it wasn't long till we were off to bed. We drove around half an hour or more to get to the lake for your fishing adventure. Parking was difficult, because it seems as though this is a popular place for hikers and campers. And there was a wedding happening there at the lake. See the mini doc, and the red carpet? Well it's not supposed to be there, it was built for the wedding and taken apart and away by the end of the day.
At first we hiked together for a bit around the lake to see if there was a break off or another opening to the lake we can fish from. However there wasn't. Half the group decided to hike to the top lake as another half of us decided return down to the first lake to stay and fish.
We had dinner with them in Coquitlam at Nagano before leaving to Whistler. The restaurant's sushi wasn't bad, but service is difficult when you're in a private room behind a curtain, how do the waitresses know you need anything if they don't come check up on you, and you don't have a buzzer.
We arrived at night at the cabin and it wasn't long till we were off to bed. We drove around half an hour or more to get to the lake for your fishing adventure. Parking was difficult, because it seems as though this is a popular place for hikers and campers. And there was a wedding happening there at the lake. See the mini doc, and the red carpet? Well it's not supposed to be there, it was built for the wedding and taken apart and away by the end of the day.

I have to admit I got addicted to fishing once I learned the hang of it. I was asked by the guys if I've fished before. The closes I got was Animal Crossing experience. When you do fish in real life... it feels not that different, except there's more work involved. The vibrations however that Nintendo's game mimics are almost dead on!,letting you know you have to reel and tug and reel in some more to catch your fish! I caught about 6 fish on my first time fishing! half of them released back because they were too small.
The dumb fish: Well, there was this one moment of the fishing trip where I felt so bad, cause I'd lost Will's hook and weight, he didn't have many to spare. I thought I had a biter, and when I pulled it in the line got caught and we had to cut the line. Near the end of our fishing adventure, I caught a fish, where there was another hook and weight attached to it. It was the weight I had lost earlier! I did get a fish earlier, but this time he didn't make the escape, I caught the fish, and got the hook and weight back. The guys said: you let it go once, it came back so we have to keep it. Plus it seemed to have taken a bit of damage having two hooks and all in it.
The image of the fish below is perhaps the 3rd fish I caught of the day, but the first to get photographed. One of them was small and had to be killed because he ate most of the hook and weight, the second fought it's way out of my hands and got away quickly before the photo. This one stayed still for the photo and released soon after because we felt it was too small to eat. I'm super happy here as well, it's my first time fishing and I'm catching fish!

Dinner was delish! Thanks to Lionel, Carolyn and Roger's Cooking!
The next day we went to Lost Lake ( which isn't so lost cause so many people know where it is ) to fish. Lionel caught a fish, Roger and I just spent the day trying to fish but mostly just ended up practicing our overhead casting.
Thanks to my friends who taught me how to fish!
Life goals Achieved!
27. Learn How To Fish.
28. Catch A Fish
