The Little Things

There are little things in a day that make you smile, laugh, frustrated. Emotions that make you... feel. Something.
Yesterday's foolish dumb dumb of the day was...I found out as I was crossing the building next to the one I work in as I make my way to work... That I had my zipper down. It has been down the whole time I've been traveling to work. Thank God I always wear clothes that go down to cover my hips and the frontal area. LOL. Ahhh.. so dumb dumb.

Today's WTF of the day. I go to McDonalds for lunch. You know the monopoly thing. LOL well only played it like twice. mmmm I get three railroads today. Had one in my possession. Only to have one of my three railroads go missing. It better be on my desk at work. SHIAT! four I know I got all four. I KNOW IT! Anyways, yes.

Been working all day downtown the last couple of days. I want to be able to come home and do filming but the days seem to be getting darker really fast. So I'm losing day light. My filming for this week is delayed due to the fact that.. well mmm busy.


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