I didn't blog yesterday on one account. I was SO tired. I not only had a huge lack of sleep due to my obsessive and whimpering dog. I was asked in the mid early afternoon if I wanted to join my sister and her fiancee and sister for a hike. I asked how long and I was assured that it would only be one hour or so. I turned out to be a four hour long hike in a park in North Vancouver, Lynn Headwaters Regional Park. Though it was a good work out and I brought along my D60 to work on my photography skills and to build my stock photography collection. It was a 4 hour hike. I come home, chat to Sean, help him out with his logo redevelopment and I'm out. I lay back into bed, curl up and fall a sleep, I leave my door open for the dog, I hear him whimper at my bed wanting to sleep with me but I ignore him and I get the best sleep I've had in a long time. Here are some pics from our Hike.

My sister climbing a tree, a mushroom who's top looks like a burger, Me, Joey Dog, and nature shots. One question...if there are bears in this park, how come I'm carrying all the food?