The Unexplained

I haven't blogged for many years. One reason was at the request of a family member who thought I was just painting them in a bad light. You can look back on my past posts and guess who this family member is. but it would be of no surprise. It has been almost 10 years since I properly wrote anything on this online diary of my life events. I don't even think I wrote about my wedding. I thought life through pictures would say a lot since a pictures worth a thousand words, but I'm considerably starting to wonder if those are the right or wrong words of a story being told. Enough of that now.

I've felt that keeping a lot of things to myself has resulted in a few things in my life.
I've learned that it's not quite that healthy to keep things in your head, of even in your heart and body. Things eat at you. You forget things. I was asked why I wouldn't just keep a paper diary. The truth is I type almost just as fast I can think. Writing by hand would just make my hand cramp up. And the world would one day find out how horrible at spelling I truly am when they are to discover my written words. hahaha . just kidding. I'm not that bad.

I've decided to start blogging again to somewhat save my sanity while the world lives partly still in fear during this pandemic that doesn't seem to be going away.
I've also been sharing on my Facebook random stories of my life... which I've decided to faze back onto my blog, because I realized sometimes the words I want to say and share can't be read by all friends who want to know what's going on with me. Not all my friends have Facebook.

Todays random story time. Two stories.
The unexplained incidences that happen to me that really makes me think of "something watching out for me."

There was one night I was sleeping and this was when I was still living at home with my parents, hunkered into the small bedroom downstairs. It's winter I believe as there was a heater in the room at the foot of my bed and I believe a giant donut plush accompanying me. I was sleeping when I must have kicked the donut plush off my bed, because I soon found myself in a state - between sleeping and waking - my body felt like it moved on its own bending and reaching to pick up the plush which had landed partly on the heater. I feel and remember plopping back into bed and then nothing. Passing back into sleep. I remember in the morning that odd moment, wondering if it happened. I checked the surface of my donut to find that it would forever have markings matching those of the heater grating. The plush could have caught on fire. I could have died.

There was one day, probably around 2017 when we moved into the new house. I remember I was working on building something. I was using my the corded power drill. While in use, the drill bit caught onto something unexpected and in a split second the drill itself suddenly spun violently in a way that I felt as though it was going to break my arm when all of a sudden the power cord of the drill gets pulled from the wall and flies a little past my head landing next to me. The event was so ghostly, but 'thank god' feeling because cause it kind of prevented my arm from being broken. My logical self at that moment also tried to explain that perhaps the moment the drill got caught and jerked and spun that it pulled its own cord out. So I went to go plug it back into the wall for distance measuring purposes - only to find there is so much give that it could not have pulled itself from the wall. I wasn't facing the plug when it yanked from the wall... so when I could not explain this event I remember taking a short break. I don't think I ever told my significant other of this event.

I don't know what to say about these events, they only left me feeling a little bit more grateful.


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