Japanese Hot Pot Anyone?
Well I got the recipe for Japanese Hot Pot Sauce from Chew. Who I know had done it some time back with his family. Since we are all about cleaning out our fridge and freezer this was the best thing to try out. This was our first try at Japanese Hot Pot, I was so nervous that it would be a fail, or in Sean's words "EPIC FAIL". But it wasn't. It was so good. The mushrooms were fantastic and the veggies sat so nice. MMmmmMMMmMmMmmm. I'm SO FULL.

Recipe For Japanese Hot Pot Sauce:
1/3 Cup Soy
3 tbsps of Rice Wine Vinegar
5 tbsps of sugar
3/4 cup water
Recipe For Japanese Hot Pot Sauce:
1/3 Cup Soy
3 tbsps of Rice Wine Vinegar
5 tbsps of sugar
3/4 cup water