Tummy Update
Yes Yes My Dears. Since I've been losing weight and doing stomach crunches the tummy that used to bulge out is now slimming down and slowing fading from it's fatty existence. I would do a photo update but I haven't been taking pictures of my sexy self during this whole weight loss process ( just one or two ), but the ones I have been taking, well at least not pics for me to share with all of you. Will post pictures of what I used to look like and what I look like now when I've reached my goal.
Weight Update: 117.5 ( started at 135+ lbs, Goal: 115 lbs maybe I should strive for 110 lbs? I want a flat tummy! )
Weight Update: 117.5 ( started at 135+ lbs, Goal: 115 lbs maybe I should strive for 110 lbs? I want a flat tummy! )