The Rudeness
Oh... the rudeness of some people can really ruin the beginning of your day.
I help out with a little recycling before I head out downtown to run some errands for work. I bring cousin LX along cause, it's boring if I just left her at home.
Well we step on to the bus. I tell the bus driver we plan to buy all day passes when we get to the station. He gives us the thumbs up and we make our way to the back of the bus. Then out of no where I hear a lady say, "Why don't you go back and pay for your tickets...bitches." I hold my tongue, I want to turn and ask who just said that tell her off. But I don't. I'm nice and sweet and still hold some kind of civility in this this world. I vent to my sister. I vent to B.
I head down to GB Chris' work to get business cards done. On the way there I forgot to bring Gary. Oh how am I so forgetful! I get there and Chris seems a little mad. :P what can I do. Well he seems to have problems printing my cards so I head out to BK for breakfast-lunch, apparently the address leads us to the one that is in the theater on Burrard and Smithe. We walk by some guy that's busy stuffing something in boxes, he calls me back to see my ticket when I'm already on the escalator. I find myself walking back down a moving escalator and I say to him that I'm just going to the food court and lets me pass. Another manager comes down and asks for my tickets as well and the worker tells them we're just heading for the food court. We head out to Grandville St., Check out some street performer named Eden doing magic. I head into a comic book store there for some visual stimulation. Head to Future Shop to use my 20$ cash card and got some goodies for my nerdy side. Leona Lewis CD, Legally Blonde 1&2 and ... you can see. I can't help myself. It's a classic.
We Hit up Urban Outfitters to see if I can score a cute dress for my birthday, that is if we choose to do anything for it. Bowling is the only plan so far. But I would love to spend the day doing something special, with someone special. *sigh* We head home and hit the mall to get some last minute things to try to perfect the chocolate chip cookie recipe and spray paint for the crow mask, before busing home. On our way we saw a huge spider that made a web between the stop sign and the bushes 7 feet away from the pole.
Chris just came by to pick up Gary, who's now returning home to his family and some more Desi Method Business Cards are now in my hands. Ready to be trimmed and invoiced for payment!