Crow Stunt 1 _ Rocky vs Giant Crow
Well this isn't supposed to be my first crow stunt. The real crow stunt had to be delayed due to the cloudy and raining days we've been having. Especially on my days off! When I get to do the real one, it's going to be well worth it. :) But On Monday (yesterday) I headed over to cousin Jonny's place to visit and to film this stunt, well not really a stunt more like a little prank on Rocky. I wanted to see what his reaction would be if I were to confront him in the crow costume. Outcome is on the video. All in all it was a great shoot. Bunch of laughs. My heart always seems to melt when I see Rocky. I love big dogs.
On my way to Jonny's house the wind was blowing and a little rain was coming down and we were busing it there. Cousin LX says as we head for the cross walk towards the bus stop that it can't be worse than what she was doing, holding on to her hood and walking. I asked her, Can't it?! and turned to her with my hood clipped and me looking like an Eskimo. Her reaction: "I take it back!" . LOL .
Today: Work . work . tomorrow is rest day.