My list of goals are not new, but the next one hundred will be. I video recorded this so that when I start to post achievement videos people won't start thinking I'm crazy when I post. Life Goal number what what. I'm hoping to break a handful of these goals when I get to Toronto. So I'm going to be in for a load of filming and fun.
#art #sakura #ink #blackandwhite #pencilcrayon This design is available on inkbox: View this post on Instagram A post shared by S.Y. Lo (@syloarts)
Yeah that basically summed up my Go-Karting adventure 2. And that's my life goal met. I'm up late because I just spent time working, trying my best to fix what ever was left that was wrong with the site I'm currently about to launch at the company I work at. I was out a but late - after meeting with friends and going Go Karting and then to dinner. At the Go Karting place - we were watching the safety video - only to see another old school friend on it. Apparently he used to work there. I was laughing >_<. I should have recorded the video. - I obviously came in last. Got stuck during a lap. Just ended up enjoying being last drifting around the corners. :P My hands hurt after and arms hurt. My arms were pretty short for the steering wheel and legs were too short for the pedals - that the guy who worked there had to adjust the pedals for me. Before that I was shopping for some T-shirts to make for the upcoming trip. and before that - work - was tedious trying to up...