T.O. Day Two . Cora, CN Tower, Steam Whistle Brewery

DAY TWO. I wake up and we head out to eat breakfast at Cora's we were lucky enough to beat a bit of a line up. By the time we left the line was just about the hit the end of the block. We walk on over the CN tower and the view is amazing, Frankie tells me that if we didn't have an over cast I would be able to see the whole of T.O. and see how ridiculously big of a city it is. He wonders if it overwhelms me. To be honest, it doesn't. Young-Dundas Square amazed me when we drove by it the other night. It makes me think of an other city that I would like to see one day. New York. I come to think where does Vancouver stands in a development of a city. I mean it is a young city, but it's not particularly smart and it some how to me it feels very slow in becoming to what it should already be. Does that make any sense? Although it is voted one of the most livable cities in the world. We're not as nearly as technology savvy as we should be, our transportation is well branched but poorly planed ( as in time and cost as you travel ) . Development IS slow, and I just watched a news broadcast questioning if Vancouver is even ready for 2010. I don't believe so. If things happen right in Vancouver for the Olympics, it's the best of the best that were hired to pull it off. But the truth is, the handful of the best minds that work phenomenally together can't work if the rest that follow don't have the same strive as those that make things happen. The ones that run the show have the idea of making things the best / better than it has ever been. While the rest that follow seem to only have the mind set that it's just good enough. *sigh* I hate those people. No, it's not just good enough. Give 100%+ to what you do, if you do it. Not 50%, not 25%. Because if you strive with everything you have, you're bound to succeed somewhere somehow. ( Did I just get side tracked. Am I missing home a little. mmmm not really. I've always been a sense on my own. Doing my own thing. ) OK back to my trip.
After great footage I got on CN Tower, inside we raced Fast and the Furious, and afterwords we walk out and around and checked out a furniture shop at The Roundhouse. I think to myself as I look at that name that I'm pretty sure that Vancouver also has a round house. I'm also sure that I participated in an art show there as well. After hitting up that furniture store we head on over next door to a brewery called Steam Whistle Brewery. Frankie giggles and wonders if we could score some free beer. I love his giggle, it's infectious to me. His giggle makes me smile. I find him really refreshing, his little quarks actually make me smile and ...happy. Hmmm *thinking* . We head on in and join a tour and are handed a free sample of the beer.

I want to thank Trish who, is also from Vancouver now living in Toronto. She was a great tour guide. It was great to learn bits about beer, though I'm not much of a drinker I still enjoy a glass time to time. I got to pull a steam whistle which was pretty cool. =) I'm pretty short and had to top toe a little to reach the handle. On our way out we spotted "The Boot" ahh makes me think of one of my favorite movies "Beerfest"

We head home and get some dinner on the way, stopping at Mi-Ne for sushi. We go home for a nap to wake up and I still have a headache, after I take an advil we head out to watch a movie. Frankie takes me to Union Station and shows me how the transit system is. We go to a theater at Yonge-Dundas and I watch my first movie in Toronto there, Ninja Assassin. Rain (Korean actor), you and your pretty hot bod. damn. It's just about time you hit it larger than you already are around the world.


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