Why the Baby Yoda Giveaway has been postponed
It has been more than a year since I announced that I would be giving away a handmade baby Yoda doll. And the Giveaway has yet to happen. It has yet to happen because of several issues I'm faced with.
ONE is Covid-19. When this hit, it shutdown a lot of things and shipping is one of them international packages were not being received throughout the world. Different countries around the world was just not having it.
TWO. Hate. Now... being an artist and someone who has placed myself into the social light for a number of years has allowed me to come to terms with the hate I am bound to receive on the internet. The hate or judgement I have received before were more on the criticism of my work and the other is pure vanity, because people thought I was ugly or fat. But RARELY have I ever been afraid to do something because of the color of my skin. And I'm going to admit that since Covid-19 hit. The thought of streaming myself making this baby Yoda doll and then getting hate just because I'm Asian, builds a bit of fear for me.
Before covid-19 I wasn't even afraid to go out to walk down the street by myself, but with all the hate that has been circulating it is sad to say even my significant other fears for me. And in some way that has amplified into a strange train of thought that even I fear someone who is walking towards me and about to walk by me, that isn't Asian, may attack me at any time, let alone having this fear already when I walk down a dark street at night being a woman, but having it in the day of light just because I am Asian is unfounded to me.
I feel though I may just face my fears and build some courage and get it over with. Get rid of the supplies and materials I have on hand and fully introduce myself into the streaming world as a maker and artist.
I'm still finding my courage.