Change of Plans

I'm still going to the art gallery, but hooking up with friends... well I decided not to see Nicki this morning because last night he said he was / may go out and drink and might not even be home in the morning. Fine, no effort . Ben texts to say things may not go through cause friends are iffing him out as well.

I'm starting to feel this strange aura coming on upon me. Like I'm faking it again.
Like I'm pretending that I'm alright. That it's all okay with me. I am okay. Because nothing is great and nothing totally sucks. I should be grateful for what I do have and the things that I'm doing and the success I'm striving for but I still feel empty.

I've been noticing something lately that I've been having hot flashes now and then. I think mostly in my sleep because I wake up and it looks like I just sweated out a fever. I'm going to try to take the pills, because though hey make me sick feeling...they help with my digestion. I've taken initiative to start taking vitamin E to help get my hair growth back cause I've noticed my hair is thinning and apparently it should help with my skin care as well. :)

Well time to get ready to head out to the Gallery.


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