My diet has been a little off. But I can't help but get the easy ways out sometimes. Like buying food instead of bringing food to work after packing it and what not. I would go to Urban Fare and buy the pre- cut fruits that cost 2X just as much just cause I'm so lazy to go pick out fruits and pack and bring to work. I just head up UF in the morning and get croissants and the fruit platter and cereal and soya milk and I'm good. But I don't think about lunch very often. I usually just get a sandwich or some California rolls from the market store downstairs. It's so good I can't help it. On the way home from the bus stop after work the bag I was using's strap comes off from the seams. Sucks since I only have been using this a few days. But the bag alone is actually pretty old. I'm in the process of getting rid of my other bag as well so that means I have to currently think of getting a new bag. These last few days have not been pretty for me. I would come home and the dog would have had an upset stomach and would have diarrhea all over the floor and I would have to clean it all up. Which sucked.

I learned just the other day that a friends dog was lost. Tweeted it. I prayed for the best.