Duplo - Date#2
I had asked him if he would like to go with me to buy some Duplo for my nephew so when he comes over to my house he has some toys to play with. B- says yes - since he loved Duplo :) .
I meet up with him just outside at his parking building at work. And we head on over to the toys r us in Richmond at landsdown mall. It took a while for me to pick out what to get him but everything was Cars related. I even got a softbox toy chest for him put all the duplo in. This however looking for it was a bit discouraging since we couldn't find it and had to ask for help. The guy checked at the back and brought one out for me since there were none of the cars ones There were these displays and what not of cars and I couldn't find the other Duplo stuff because it had turned out that the display which had Lego on one side and Duplo on the other. We found this out just a few minutes I was already ready to check out. I of course picked a set from there.

As we were lining up a little girl before us looks at us and I smile at her and said, "hi baby!" she smiles back with a little bit of shyness and hugs moms legs just a little tighter. Soon someone at the other till says that the electronics has a cashier there that can help us. We head over there. Soon enough as I was putting everything onto the counter a little baby kid was just about to run into my leg, I look down and say hello. I don't remember if he smiled back but I know his dad swooped him up pretty fast. As I was paying the cashier asked if I needed a bag. I said no as I came prepared. I said I had a bag in my bag and ripped it out. B- said bonus point to me. - did I mention we would say bonus point to one another if there would be something we found we liked about the other? :) yup. He he lped pack up the bag as I paid for the items. As we headed out of the mall another baby is playing about and is looking at me and I smile at him.
"Babies really like you." B- says
I don't know what it is really, it just started within the last year that this happened, that babies would say hello, smile or stare at me or touch me. It's hard to explain.
After we got the Duplo we loaded it into the car and B- said it was still early and asked if I was hungry. He takes me to a sushi place called Takeya Sushi in Richmond. He tells me that the owner of the restaurant used to buy from his family farm. We order some delectable I've never ate before. He asks me if I've ever tried the creme croquet. I say no and he gasps I'm shock! Like it's a must to do. He tries to order it but the waitress says they are all out.

It even says sold out on the menu - but he still tries. Determination shines through right there. The food is fresh and very good. And soon after that I thought our date would end but he soon says - it's still early. He suggests a walk. At this point I'm a bit amazed. Why? I've never dated a guy that just wanted to go for a walk. *thinking back* - piissshhh lazy asses! He drives about and I feel a bit - flushed in his presence. I might as well have been blushing the whole time I'm with him. While driving about he's looking for a place to stop as he spotted an entrance to a trail were we could have our little walk. He gets an epiphany and figures out where to go. He ends up parking facing a trail. That lead to the park entrance trail. The gravel path worries me right away. He's looking very good in his dress clothes from work, and I wonder if the dirt will be a bother. Glance down at his shoes and worry a bit but he seems un-phased about the fact and I keep my worries to myself. When we got to the end of the gravel trail - there was no real end. It lead to a T intersection trail but the surroundings were very dream like.
We walk for a bit and I said that it reminded me of a Korean movie. The grassy field which was probably a swampy marsh area.

At one point I thought I had spotted a crane - but wasn't too sure because of it's elongated neck. I tell B- but when we got closer to a certain area where I thought I had seen it it turned out to be a large dark protruding branch in the marsh. We walk holding hands down this path with the sun slowly in the evening sky - the sky is a baby blue with a white horizon that is on the brink of changing hues to the setting sun. We talk about our families, the past, how we imagine ourselves in the future. We talk about our faith and beliefs and what makes us the way we are. We walk on for a while till he thinks we should turn back. Along the way a little dog walks by and in my attempts to pet it, I fail horribly. He snubs me and walks on by. *sigh* that's alright - everyone has to face rejection.

At some point we ended up sitting on a bench. We tell each other of our geeky traits that only a few would ever know. What we used to like to watch as kids. We watch as the sun was not yet setting but the surroundings were starting to change colors. Everything looked so- fake. A moment that you know you could be dreaming and you question it. I wish I took a picture of the bench now I think about it. I wish I got a picture of the view in that moment. However - when I tried the lens flare from the sun was too strong. B- asked me if I've ever done this, just sit there and do nothing with someone. If he meant someone as in I was with - as a couple or even on a date, I really can't recall. Has it never happened? or has it been that long? I don't even remember when I sat in a state that was so peaceful like I was meditating in a dream.

When we left the bench - I believe it was then when we thought we spotted a crane / egret. This time it really was one when it moved. I wasn't crazy! :)
I realized when walking with him I looked down a lot. My shoes were covered with the dirt of the gravel path, and even his nice dress shoes were too. It was nice, just walking and holding hands and talking. It feels like something I haven't done in a long time. I was so concentrated on the now, I didn't think about what would happen I forced my head to look at my surroundings at the path we were traveling upon. The one that lead back to the car. It was soon that I announced I had to go to the washroom. We first went to a Safeway - back next to the restaurant we had dinner. The washroom was out of order. I remember watching his as he took such hold of the situation looking and asking for me where or if there was another washroom. We soon left and headed to a save-on-foods. Here I realized something. I had been in that very one before. More than a year ago. Shopping for groceries then. Now its just for a pee break. In and out and the sun was setting down and the sky was already a dark blue fighting with the glowing light blue sky at it's edges. He soon says, "I guess it's time to get you home." His tone with a little hint of sadness. "I know you want to keep me just a little longer," I said jokingly with a smile - something like that - or along the lines of - to lighten up the mood. He walked on over to the car door - opened and held it for me and before I went in I stopped and turned around and gave him a hug. Did I mention how good he looked in a dress shirt and pants? Maybe I'm just a sucker for guys who can wear suits really well. I hugged him to thank him for being him. I got into the car and started to head home. Eventually as we approached close to the highway ... or was this conversation earlier? I'm so killing the mood trying to recall the moment.
We're in the car together, and he's driving. One hand on the wheel his other holding mine. He shakes my hand a little to get my attention as my gaze was outside the window. He says, "I'm SO happy to have met you..." I smile with an exhale short sigh - my heart bubbles a little - I'm calm and I let the first thoughts of my mind escape through my mouth. I say without looking at him as I'm in a state of disbelief and a dream - I softly reply, "I didn't think you existed." It's then I grasp his hand a little tighter.
We've both been searching for that someone for a long time.
I've been looking for Mr. Awesome. Him - Miss. Awesome.
I feel like I'm dreaming everytime I'm with him.
Am I still sleeping?
I meet up with him just outside at his parking building at work. And we head on over to the toys r us in Richmond at landsdown mall. It took a while for me to pick out what to get him but everything was Cars related. I even got a softbox toy chest for him put all the duplo in. This however looking for it was a bit discouraging since we couldn't find it and had to ask for help. The guy checked at the back and brought one out for me since there were none of the cars ones There were these displays and what not of cars and I couldn't find the other Duplo stuff because it had turned out that the display which had Lego on one side and Duplo on the other. We found this out just a few minutes I was already ready to check out. I of course picked a set from there.
As we were lining up a little girl before us looks at us and I smile at her and said, "hi baby!" she smiles back with a little bit of shyness and hugs moms legs just a little tighter. Soon someone at the other till says that the electronics has a cashier there that can help us. We head over there. Soon enough as I was putting everything onto the counter a little baby kid was just about to run into my leg, I look down and say hello. I don't remember if he smiled back but I know his dad swooped him up pretty fast. As I was paying the cashier asked if I needed a bag. I said no as I came prepared. I said I had a bag in my bag and ripped it out. B- said bonus point to me. - did I mention we would say bonus point to one another if there would be something we found we liked about the other? :) yup. He he lped pack up the bag as I paid for the items. As we headed out of the mall another baby is playing about and is looking at me and I smile at him.
"Babies really like you." B- says
I don't know what it is really, it just started within the last year that this happened, that babies would say hello, smile or stare at me or touch me. It's hard to explain.
After we got the Duplo we loaded it into the car and B- said it was still early and asked if I was hungry. He takes me to a sushi place called Takeya Sushi in Richmond. He tells me that the owner of the restaurant used to buy from his family farm. We order some delectable I've never ate before. He asks me if I've ever tried the creme croquet. I say no and he gasps I'm shock! Like it's a must to do. He tries to order it but the waitress says they are all out.
It even says sold out on the menu - but he still tries. Determination shines through right there. The food is fresh and very good. And soon after that I thought our date would end but he soon says - it's still early. He suggests a walk. At this point I'm a bit amazed. Why? I've never dated a guy that just wanted to go for a walk. *thinking back* - piissshhh lazy asses! He drives about and I feel a bit - flushed in his presence. I might as well have been blushing the whole time I'm with him. While driving about he's looking for a place to stop as he spotted an entrance to a trail were we could have our little walk. He gets an epiphany and figures out where to go. He ends up parking facing a trail. That lead to the park entrance trail. The gravel path worries me right away. He's looking very good in his dress clothes from work, and I wonder if the dirt will be a bother. Glance down at his shoes and worry a bit but he seems un-phased about the fact and I keep my worries to myself. When we got to the end of the gravel trail - there was no real end. It lead to a T intersection trail but the surroundings were very dream like.
We walk for a bit and I said that it reminded me of a Korean movie. The grassy field which was probably a swampy marsh area.
At one point I thought I had spotted a crane - but wasn't too sure because of it's elongated neck. I tell B- but when we got closer to a certain area where I thought I had seen it it turned out to be a large dark protruding branch in the marsh. We walk holding hands down this path with the sun slowly in the evening sky - the sky is a baby blue with a white horizon that is on the brink of changing hues to the setting sun. We talk about our families, the past, how we imagine ourselves in the future. We talk about our faith and beliefs and what makes us the way we are. We walk on for a while till he thinks we should turn back. Along the way a little dog walks by and in my attempts to pet it, I fail horribly. He snubs me and walks on by. *sigh* that's alright - everyone has to face rejection.
At some point we ended up sitting on a bench. We tell each other of our geeky traits that only a few would ever know. What we used to like to watch as kids. We watch as the sun was not yet setting but the surroundings were starting to change colors. Everything looked so- fake. A moment that you know you could be dreaming and you question it. I wish I took a picture of the bench now I think about it. I wish I got a picture of the view in that moment. However - when I tried the lens flare from the sun was too strong. B- asked me if I've ever done this, just sit there and do nothing with someone. If he meant someone as in I was with - as a couple or even on a date, I really can't recall. Has it never happened? or has it been that long? I don't even remember when I sat in a state that was so peaceful like I was meditating in a dream.
When we left the bench - I believe it was then when we thought we spotted a crane / egret. This time it really was one when it moved. I wasn't crazy! :)
I realized when walking with him I looked down a lot. My shoes were covered with the dirt of the gravel path, and even his nice dress shoes were too. It was nice, just walking and holding hands and talking. It feels like something I haven't done in a long time. I was so concentrated on the now, I didn't think about what would happen I forced my head to look at my surroundings at the path we were traveling upon. The one that lead back to the car. It was soon that I announced I had to go to the washroom. We first went to a Safeway - back next to the restaurant we had dinner. The washroom was out of order. I remember watching his as he took such hold of the situation looking and asking for me where or if there was another washroom. We soon left and headed to a save-on-foods. Here I realized something. I had been in that very one before. More than a year ago. Shopping for groceries then. Now its just for a pee break. In and out and the sun was setting down and the sky was already a dark blue fighting with the glowing light blue sky at it's edges. He soon says, "I guess it's time to get you home." His tone with a little hint of sadness. "I know you want to keep me just a little longer," I said jokingly with a smile - something like that - or along the lines of - to lighten up the mood. He walked on over to the car door - opened and held it for me and before I went in I stopped and turned around and gave him a hug. Did I mention how good he looked in a dress shirt and pants? Maybe I'm just a sucker for guys who can wear suits really well. I hugged him to thank him for being him. I got into the car and started to head home. Eventually as we approached close to the highway ... or was this conversation earlier? I'm so killing the mood trying to recall the moment.
We're in the car together, and he's driving. One hand on the wheel his other holding mine. He shakes my hand a little to get my attention as my gaze was outside the window. He says, "I'm SO happy to have met you..." I smile with an exhale short sigh - my heart bubbles a little - I'm calm and I let the first thoughts of my mind escape through my mouth. I say without looking at him as I'm in a state of disbelief and a dream - I softly reply, "I didn't think you existed." It's then I grasp his hand a little tighter.
We've both been searching for that someone for a long time.
I've been looking for Mr. Awesome. Him - Miss. Awesome.
I feel like I'm dreaming everytime I'm with him.
Am I still sleeping?