Popping Cherries At Playland - Date#11
It's around two weeks we've been together. And we kick off the day early. I wake up around 7am and do some house chores then me hopping into the shower for a quick getting ready. As I'm putting on make up he calls and I hurry upstairs to open the door. I'm a little thrown back when I expected him to be at his car so when I opened the door to step out he was standing right there. He startles me. I finish getting ready as I try to feed CC and throw him outside in hopes he would poop or pee. Then when we were good to go we load CC up into the back of B-'s car. ( Don't worry it's not a separate trunk kind of car. Its one of this cars that the trunk is not really a trunk as it's separated by a flap cover.) We head back to B-'s place to drop CC off and Koji was wondering who this new dog was in his house. CC remained in B-'s upstairs kitchen and we left and headed over to the PNE & Playland. We drive around deciding where to park and B- decides to park at the fair grounds parking. We get a prime spot where we know the car won't get broken into and its close.
We walk around and then was told the park doesn't open till 11am. The gates open earlier but the rides and grounds are 11am - why do I feel that they would make more money if they had opened earlier? Our mistake was realizing the playland grounds were not opened to the public yet and we decided to go into the PNE market building. Here we walk about looking at the shops - talking about dream homes and what would it need to have. What we would like it to have is more like it. Like a sauna, a massage chair and what not.
Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Night . SYL

Poor Koji! B- is alright! Koji had to remain downstairs as CC and him did not get along at all!

Taro waffle egg puffs?! anyone?! so good!

We walk around and then was told the park doesn't open till 11am. The gates open earlier but the rides and grounds are 11am - why do I feel that they would make more money if they had opened earlier? Our mistake was realizing the playland grounds were not opened to the public yet and we decided to go into the PNE market building. Here we walk about looking at the shops - talking about dream homes and what would it need to have. What we would like it to have is more like it. Like a sauna, a massage chair and what not.