Seasons In the Park - Date#4
I woke up late this morning. Weird since I usually wake up to all my alarms but I'm pretty sure I woke up and looked at the time and turned the alarm off and went back to bed. I got ready in less than 10 mins and still by the time I got out of the house I missed not one bus but two that can get me to work on time. I walk down the street to catch the other bus. On the way something cheers me up besides the beautiful morning sky.

I look down onto the side walk to find a series of words spaced out. It was amusing, I couldn't help myself but take a photo.

I catch the alternative bus. As I get off the sky train something clicks. As I replay in my mind the moment when I was packing my bag. I don't remember packing my keys. I come to work to find no one at the office and I'm so upset with myself! I text my boss and he said he would be there in 15 mins. I spend some time sitting outside the office and then the remainder of 5-8 minutes in the washroom putting on makeup. Since I wasn't wearing any on the trek to work. One of my worst mornings ever I've never had such bad ju-ju. For lunch I was starving and decided to go out to grab some lunch to cheer me up. I go to the cafeteria in Royal Center Mall, The one that sits between Burrard Skytrain Station and West Georgia Street. I'm pretty sure plenty of people have been in or through this mall but never stopped and ate at any of the shops there. But I do. I'm a small business owner supporter kind of person. I've been here before ( or so I think because I ask the lady if she had any sandwiches there with sprouts in it and apparently she doesn't so I think it's changed since the last time I ate there ) I order from the special menu. The ones that they are known for. I order the Avacado and Shrimp sandwich and all I can really say is that I love avacado. This sandwich brightened up my day. ( So I thought it would be the highlight .. but you'll learn that it isn't ).

Today was date night. B- and I scheduled this date so he could come over to check my computer. I would like it to boot up faster, but a little more on that later. Well in the morning he tries to cheer me up with little text messages. I also he mentions to me that he got the call about the job downtown. That he got it! Celebration?! Time ticks away at work. At the end of the hectic day I head off to the urban fare across the street and pick out a mango moose cake and a fruit tart pastry. It's a little too bad that I forget to take a picture. I'll go back one day and take a picture and plug it in here. After picking that up as a celebration dessert I carefully headed down to the Skytrain station on Granville that would take me to city hall station on Broadway. I walk down to his parking building and wait for him. When I turned and caught him coming down the street I see him with a small bouquet of flowers. I approach him and he said he got me something and gave me the flowers and I said I got him something! I took the flowers in hand and passed him his box of dessert. I asked him what the flowers were for, he said it was to cheer me up and make up for the shitty morning I've had. <3. How can a girl not love this?! This is a random bunch of flowers were colorful a bundle I've never received before.
He unexpectedly surprises me - like a beautiful sunrise on a morning that was predicted to rain. We soon head off towards the car together. On the way into the elevator there was an old couple there that seemed a bit confused at which / where they should go. B- let them in the elevator before us since they were going up - I believe. I tell him about my upsetting moments through the day and he tells me that - that is the reason for the flowers. He's so sweet. I tell him about my lunch and he said he loved avacados too! As we got in the car I ask him where he is to take me to dinner - he had a place in mind before but after driving around in traffic he decided to go back to his original thought of eating at QE park. Soon after a while I try to move the bag that's on my lap off and soon I discover this mark that's left behind by the little feet of the bag. 
He laughs and has to have a picture of it. During the drive at some points I'm very quiet with him in the car I very much enjoy being in his presence. Knowing he's next to me. It's the first time I'm eating at seasons. We leave the dessert in the car and flowers all in the trunk when we got there. The restaurant seemed very popular as they told us in the inside of the restaurant was filled and asked if it was alright to place us on the patio. I was okay with that. 

When we were seated the view was spectacular. This is another - wow, am I dreaming? - moment.
I order the halibut after much debate and decision making and what not. He orders the steak. We talked about how I don't like people complaining about their food portions at mid-high to high-end restaurants especially when it's really well cooked food and the portions that are given aren't as much. Quality over Quantity is the rule that takes over here. We talk about more things that I can't quite remember but this just makes me remember to blog things on the day of or the day after and not a week or two or even a month. At the end of it we're both full and since I had already got dessert for us we got the bill and got ready to leave. While waiting for the bill I went went to ladies room. While in there I removed the lipstick I was wearing and returned to the table. I return to the table and before sitting down back in my seat I give him a kiss on the cheek. He then asks if there is a mark on his face from the lipstick. I sit down next to him at this moment and look at him. He interrupts me as I tried to get his attention and says he will find out for himself as he whips out his phone and tries to take a picture of himself. I say nothing to him as I watched him do this. Then he looks at me to find out that I'm no longer wearing any lipstick! LOL! It was then we settled the bill and left. Since it was early and when we returned to the car there was still some time on the meter, I suggested why don't we go for a walk around. We see duckies at the pond and try to get a good shot of them but too bad they don't like to stay still for me. 
The walked together around the park, all along a trail that lead us back to the car. as we got back to the car he suggested we take a picture together cause he really wanted one of us together.

This is the combination of two perfect realities meeting to create the perfect moment we both felt.
I love the fact that B- is very much like me. Likes to visually record moments in photos or video. Not many people like to do this. You must learn that THIS life is so beautiful - it's worth recording - it's worth capturing, and most of all worth remembering.
We head home, my dad opens the door and we walk through the front door, I introduce them and he greets my dad with a hand shake. He is the second to do this out of all guys I've dated. My sister is home and I can't quite remember what she as doing on the couch and I introduce her to him. I'm holding the box with dessert and I ask her if she wanted some. I introduce B- to the rest of the family. My mom, and Peter ( sister's fiance ) and soon downstairs she exclaims that she can't have any of the dessert because of the fact she can't eat it while she's pregnant. Yes. I am the kind of person that would offer up something even though I had bought it for myself initially. I don't really know why I'm that way, but I am. B- takes a look at my computer and it was after a few moments of booting and re-booting he claims that there is nothing wrong with my computer boot up speed that it's already really fast. The truth is, I don't think so. I think it could be faster. He takes the fruit tart from the box and I ate the mango mousse that I offered to my sister yet she refused. My sister and Peter first leave. B- leaves soon after with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
I look down onto the side walk to find a series of words spaced out. It was amusing, I couldn't help myself but take a photo.
Today was date night. B- and I scheduled this date so he could come over to check my computer. I would like it to boot up faster, but a little more on that later. Well in the morning he tries to cheer me up with little text messages. I also he mentions to me that he got the call about the job downtown. That he got it! Celebration?! Time ticks away at work. At the end of the hectic day I head off to the urban fare across the street and pick out a mango moose cake and a fruit tart pastry. It's a little too bad that I forget to take a picture. I'll go back one day and take a picture and plug it in here. After picking that up as a celebration dessert I carefully headed down to the Skytrain station on Granville that would take me to city hall station on Broadway. I walk down to his parking building and wait for him. When I turned and caught him coming down the street I see him with a small bouquet of flowers. I approach him and he said he got me something and gave me the flowers and I said I got him something! I took the flowers in hand and passed him his box of dessert. I asked him what the flowers were for, he said it was to cheer me up and make up for the shitty morning I've had. <3. How can a girl not love this?! This is a random bunch of flowers were colorful a bundle I've never received before.
I love the fact that B- is very much like me. Likes to visually record moments in photos or video. Not many people like to do this. You must learn that THIS life is so beautiful - it's worth recording - it's worth capturing, and most of all worth remembering.
We head home, my dad opens the door and we walk through the front door, I introduce them and he greets my dad with a hand shake. He is the second to do this out of all guys I've dated. My sister is home and I can't quite remember what she as doing on the couch and I introduce her to him. I'm holding the box with dessert and I ask her if she wanted some. I introduce B- to the rest of the family. My mom, and Peter ( sister's fiance ) and soon downstairs she exclaims that she can't have any of the dessert because of the fact she can't eat it while she's pregnant. Yes. I am the kind of person that would offer up something even though I had bought it for myself initially. I don't really know why I'm that way, but I am. B- takes a look at my computer and it was after a few moments of booting and re-booting he claims that there is nothing wrong with my computer boot up speed that it's already really fast. The truth is, I don't think so. I think it could be faster. He takes the fruit tart from the box and I ate the mango mousse that I offered to my sister yet she refused. My sister and Peter first leave. B- leaves soon after with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.