Dinner with the Rose Man and Friends - Date#3
There's really nothing too spectacular to share about this day - I can barely remember what happened. Oh wait I was working on client work - developing a logo for an awesome client for most of the morning. Then B- invites me to dinner at his friends place. This was a Saturday - it was also fireworks ending night.
This time last year I remember where I was - at a friends place - barely seeing the fireworks from his apartment and enjoying it as it streamed online. Not the same. Eventually the repercussions that night was a dreadful thing. I ended up sleeping over at my god brothers place cause he was too tired to drive me home and the guy I was with at the time came and picked me up in the morning. He then ran a scenario in his imaginative mind that something may have happened when I woke up in the morning from the living room floor on some sitting cushions. I came out of the house in a bit of a mess since bachelor pads don't have much of anything to help girls out in brushing up on making yourself presentable the next morning. Let's just say - I never felt like I was apologizing for something that never happened so much in my life. That morning I felt so unloved - so blamed - the feeling that it was the most ridiculous feeling you can have in the start of a relationship. I then learned that if I've done nothing wrong - there is no reason for great apologies or great sense of guilt that they feel betrayed. I cannot control someone else' feelings. Back to now- it's a 180.
I'm working away - last year it was baking cupcakes this time it was creating logos. I finish and text B- . He invites me to dinner. I worry about how I'd get to him and he says he'll come and get me of course. He comes to get me and he's dressed so brightly! Lol - his yellow hat, and shirt. We greet each other with a big hug. We drive to Richmond where his friends place is - we park on the roof top parking at Richmond centre as his friend lives in a condo across the street. We leave and walk through the mall and then we realize we forgot the durian and had to return to the car to fetch it.
We walked up the on ramp this time and came back down it after getting the spiky fruit.
When we got to the condo building B- forgot which floor his friend lived on. What a good friend right?! I'm just kidding he had to re-buzz him and ask. The first time we got buzzed in the elevator button didn't work for us. We went up to the apartment and his friend opened the door for us. I walk in and its the rose man from me and B-'s first date. He looked much different without the big shades. Mr. Rose Man who will always been known as such - real name is Derek. The whole time he was in the kitchen preparing dinner.

He was the one who was leaving - this was his goodbye dinner before he took off for training in Toronto. Slowly his other two friends showed up. Tom and Jeff. Apparently on our first date, Tom was the package delivery guy at the beginning of of the date. We eat dinner and as we finished off I helped to clear the table a little as B- split open a durian for the evening desert snack and Tom cut open some watermelon that he brought. We watched a few videos of this girl that is a YouTube make up comedian. Me and B- decided to soon after everything wound down and cleaned up a little. One of Derek's good friends came over to visit.
Soon what did we do? We headed out - he asked if I was thirsty - which I was and B- brought me to a BBT place. Soon he brought me to UBC again- I suggested that was should go for a walk about and soon we decided head out on foot about campus. Seeing where the best places to star gaze was. On the way we spotted a skunk on campus and we had to divert directions so it wouldn't see / feel threatened. Soon we headed back to the car since the locations we went to were too bright. We drove down to the beach and there we almost hit a skunk crossing the road on a dark strip. It seemed late and the beach side parking lots were closed with cops doing routine checks. We soon head off to somewhere B- had never been to. Burnaby Mountain. On the drive up he actually turned into the wrong location. Going up to the campus area. It wasn't too soon after were were headed up the right direction. He soon slows down to point out a coyote at the side of the road. I don't see much but a shadow through the tinted windows. When we reached the top where the parking lot was
It was already closing up. We were a few minutes just after closing time. I suggested next time and that it was getting late and was time to head home.
He will see me soon enough again.
I can't believe the amount of animals we saw in one night. :/ he said it was me.
Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Night . SYL
This time last year I remember where I was - at a friends place - barely seeing the fireworks from his apartment and enjoying it as it streamed online. Not the same. Eventually the repercussions that night was a dreadful thing. I ended up sleeping over at my god brothers place cause he was too tired to drive me home and the guy I was with at the time came and picked me up in the morning. He then ran a scenario in his imaginative mind that something may have happened when I woke up in the morning from the living room floor on some sitting cushions. I came out of the house in a bit of a mess since bachelor pads don't have much of anything to help girls out in brushing up on making yourself presentable the next morning. Let's just say - I never felt like I was apologizing for something that never happened so much in my life. That morning I felt so unloved - so blamed - the feeling that it was the most ridiculous feeling you can have in the start of a relationship. I then learned that if I've done nothing wrong - there is no reason for great apologies or great sense of guilt that they feel betrayed. I cannot control someone else' feelings. Back to now- it's a 180.
I'm working away - last year it was baking cupcakes this time it was creating logos. I finish and text B- . He invites me to dinner. I worry about how I'd get to him and he says he'll come and get me of course. He comes to get me and he's dressed so brightly! Lol - his yellow hat, and shirt. We greet each other with a big hug. We drive to Richmond where his friends place is - we park on the roof top parking at Richmond centre as his friend lives in a condo across the street. We leave and walk through the mall and then we realize we forgot the durian and had to return to the car to fetch it.
We walked up the on ramp this time and came back down it after getting the spiky fruit.
When we got to the condo building B- forgot which floor his friend lived on. What a good friend right?! I'm just kidding he had to re-buzz him and ask. The first time we got buzzed in the elevator button didn't work for us. We went up to the apartment and his friend opened the door for us. I walk in and its the rose man from me and B-'s first date. He looked much different without the big shades. Mr. Rose Man who will always been known as such - real name is Derek. The whole time he was in the kitchen preparing dinner.
He was the one who was leaving - this was his goodbye dinner before he took off for training in Toronto. Slowly his other two friends showed up. Tom and Jeff. Apparently on our first date, Tom was the package delivery guy at the beginning of of the date. We eat dinner and as we finished off I helped to clear the table a little as B- split open a durian for the evening desert snack and Tom cut open some watermelon that he brought. We watched a few videos of this girl that is a YouTube make up comedian. Me and B- decided to soon after everything wound down and cleaned up a little. One of Derek's good friends came over to visit.
Soon what did we do? We headed out - he asked if I was thirsty - which I was and B- brought me to a BBT place. Soon he brought me to UBC again- I suggested that was should go for a walk about and soon we decided head out on foot about campus. Seeing where the best places to star gaze was. On the way we spotted a skunk on campus and we had to divert directions so it wouldn't see / feel threatened. Soon we headed back to the car since the locations we went to were too bright. We drove down to the beach and there we almost hit a skunk crossing the road on a dark strip. It seemed late and the beach side parking lots were closed with cops doing routine checks. We soon head off to somewhere B- had never been to. Burnaby Mountain. On the drive up he actually turned into the wrong location. Going up to the campus area. It wasn't too soon after were were headed up the right direction. He soon slows down to point out a coyote at the side of the road. I don't see much but a shadow through the tinted windows. When we reached the top where the parking lot was
It was already closing up. We were a few minutes just after closing time. I suggested next time and that it was getting late and was time to head home.
He will see me soon enough again.
I can't believe the amount of animals we saw in one night. :/ he said it was me.
Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Night . SYL