A medical procedure

Log 20210531 it has been 1 year, 4 months, 1 week and 3 days since the pandemic started in Canada. I had a medical procedure done today. Although it wasn’t a high risk procedure my brain went into worse case scenario mode. Dying in the procedure room, of complications thereafter or due to meds. .. so before my procedure I message one person just in case.. and the person I ended up messaging was my sister. To tell her I love her and if I die I will help her as much as I can to win the lottery. Lol. She said I would be just fine and to take a deep breathe. I came out of my procedure alright. Sleepy I was assisted by nurses back to my recovery area. But as I was laying down in my little patient corner for recovery behind a curtained wall, something happened. Another patient, perhaps going into or out of the washroom after her treatment had passed out... all I heard was a nurse calling for help. It takes a couple of seconds before a mad rush of n...